EN326 – Stretch 1 – Feira (A32/IC2) / Escariz
  • EN326 – Stretch 1 – Feira (A32/IC2) / Escariz 1
  • EN326 – Stretch 1 – Feira (A32/IC2) / Escariz 2
  • EN326 – Trecho 1 – Feira (A32/IC2) / Escariz
  • EN326 – Trecho 1 – Feira (A32/IC2) / Escariz
  • EN326 – Trecho 1 – Feira (A32/IC2) / Escariz
  • EN326 – Trecho 1 – Feira (A32/IC2) / Escariz
Municipalities involved:
Concelhos de Santa Maria da Feira, Oliveira de Azeméis and Arouca and the District of Aveiro.
Length of 7.141 Km.

Âmbito da Intervenção

Work on the EN 326 – Feira (A32/IC2) / Mansores, Stretch 1 – Feira (A32/IC2) / Escariz (km 0+000 to km 7+141) will connect the A32/IC2, part of the Douro Coastal Concession, at the current Pigeiros interchange to the already built stretch of the EN 326, thus allowing a more direct, faster and safer connection between Mansores and Arouca, more specifically, to S. Maria da Feira, S. João da Madeira and Porto on the A32, with a length of approximately 7,141 m.
On the existing section of the EN 326 between km 0+000 and km 4+080, the transversal profile implemented consists of a two-lane bi-directional road, with a platform of total width of 12 m made up of:

  • Two lanes of 3.50 m in width each;

  • Two shoulders of 2.50 m in width, surfaced along the total length, with the same transversal angle as the road lanes.

Between km 4+180 and km 7+141, the transversal profile stipulated consists of an extra lane in one of the directions,
with a platform of total width of 13.75 m, and made up of:

  • Two lanes of 3.50 m width each and a slow lane 3.25 m in width;

  • Two shoulders of 2.50 m and 1.00 in width, surfaced along the total length, with the same transversal angle as the road lanes.

This project lies within an area of steep hills requiring geometric compatibility suitable for a base speed of 80 km/h.
In longitudinal profile, maximum angles are 7%, and three slow lanes are provided for in areas of steep climbs so as to maintain the desired level of speed and service.

Two level connections are planned for interconnection with the existing road network, more specifically:

  • Connection from the interchange roundabout to the A32 (Pigeiros interchange), at the start of the route;

  • A roundabout at Escariz enabling access to the respective ward area.

This route passes several deep valleys and water courses, and as such, 5 special structures are planned (4 viaducts and 1 bridge).

In order to re-establish the existing road network which will be affected by the construction of the new road, 9 construction projects are planned involving 2 underground crossings (PI), 2 agricultural crossings (PA), 3 elevated crossings (PS) with the remaining crossings being located under viaducts, and consequently not requiring any special structures.


  • Brings the Escariz Business Park and the Lameiradas, Mata and Farrapa Industrial Zones closer to the roads which form the basic transport network for people and goods, with focus on the A32 via the Pigeiros interchange;

  • Under the Business Area Enhancement Program (PVAE), and through suitable and economically viable solutions which improve safety and reduce journey times, the aims are to create new access routes to the main network, promote the flow of industrial production, stimulate local tourism and drive economic development.