Infraestruturas de Portugal, SA was created by means of a merger, by incorporation, between the National Rail Network (Rede Ferroviária Nacional – REFER) and EP – Estradas de Portugal, SA, pursuant to Decree-Law No 91/2015 of 29 May 2015.
As a result, EP was closed down and its powers and competences were transferred to IP, SA.
IP is a public corporation in the form of a public limited company. It is governed pursuant to the legislation that created the company and its articles of association, approved as an annex to the aforesaid legislation, under the legal framework for the public corporate sector, approved by Decree-Law No 133/2013 of 3 October 2013, corporate governance best practices applicable to the sector, the provisions of the Portuguese Commercial Companies Code, internal regulations and the underlying national and European legal standards for its activities.
With respect to our corporate governance model, IP has adopted a dualist model. This allows the effective separation of supervisory and corporate management functions to achieve the objectives and interests of the company, its shareholder, employees and other stakeholders, thus contributing toward attaining the level of trust and transparency necessary for its suitable functioning and optimization.
IP’s corporate bodies include the general meeting, the executive board of directors, the general and supervisory board and the statutory auditor. The general and supervisory board includes a committee for financial matters.
The IP Group’s funding model, as set out in legislation, is derived from the revenues for road services, tolls, infrastructure usage tariffs, compensatory indemnities, capital increases by the State shareholder and other State or European Union financial compensations. The road and rail infrastructure management contracts also include penalties if some set goals are not achieved. More detailed information can be found in the IP Group’s management and corporate governance reports, which are published every year on this website.