Published in the Portuguese Official Gazette, Law No 34/2015 of 27 April approves the new statute of roads in the National Road Network, and replaced the Statute of National Roads of 1949, as well as a range of miscellaneous legislation.
The new statute establishes the rules which aim to protect roads and the surrounding area, sets the safety and driving conditions for users and those for the exercising of activities relating to road management, operation and conservation.
The new statute also establishes the legal regime for the assets in the public road domain and the penalty system applicable to third-party behavior or activities which harm such assets or related entitlements, as well as situations of non-compliance.
This statute applies to the roads which form the national road network as well as regional roads, declassified national roads not yet handed over to municipalities, and connections to the national road network.
In accordance with Article 32(5) of the Statute of Roads in the National Road Network (EERRN), approved by Law No 34/2015 of 27 April, the easement area where building is prohibited in road corridors expires five years after the date of constitution, except in situations involving prior studies approved before the entry into force of the statute, the time limit of which is calculated from its date of publication;
The expiry of the easement area where building is prohibited was published in the Portuguese Official Gazette by IMT, I.P., in accordance with Article 32(7) of EERRN;
In accordance with Article 32(7) of EERRN, Infraestruturas de Portugal is hereby publishing the expiry declarations published in the Portuguese Official Gazette by IMT, I.P. :
- IP 3 — Coimbra (Trouxemil) / Mealhada e IC 2 — Coimbra/Oliveira de Azeméis (A32/IC2)
- IC35 — Nó de Guilhufe (A4/IP4) / Nó de Penafiel Sul à exceção do troço correspondente à ligação entre a EN15 e a EN106 requalificadas a sul de Penafiel
- IP3 — Mealhada / Viseu e IC 12 — A1/IP1 (Mealhada) / Santa Comba Dão
- Variante à EN118 entre Constância (Sul) / Gavião e Ligação à A23/IP6
- IC3 – Tomar / Coimbra, à exceção do troço correspondente entre o Nó de Ceira e o limite norte do Estudo Prévio correspondente
- IP8 — Beja (Nó de Brissos)/Baleizão — IP2 — Variante de Beja
- Variante à EN342 – Lousã / Góis / Arganil e à ER342 – Arganil / Côja
- EN103 – Variante de Gualtar
- ER377 -2 — Costa da Caparica/Nova Vaga/IC32 (próx.)
- Ligação S. Brás de Alportel – Nó de Faro da VIS – Nó da 3ª Circular de Faro
- ER270 - Variante Norte de Loulé (2.ª fase)
- IC35 — Lanços Castelo de Paiva/Mansores (EN223) e Sever do Vouga/A25 (IP5)
- IC34 – Vila Nova de Foz Coa - Barca de Alva
- IC4 entre Sines e Lagos
- IC33 — Grândola (A2)/Évora (IP2)
- IP2 - IP6 (A23)/Portalegre /IP7 (A6)
- EENN 3 e 114 – Variante a Santarém