Minho Line, Nine - Viana do Castelo Stretch
Ferrovia 2020
  • Troço 1
  • Troço 2
  • Nine 1
  • Nine 2
  • Nine 3
Municipalities involved:
Vila Nova de Famalicão, Barcelos and Viana do Castelo
Length of the Nine - Viana do Castelo stretch on the Minho line from Pk 39+400 to Pk 83+000 (44 km).

Âmbito da Intervenção


The modernization and electrification of the stretch on the Minho line between Nine (Vila Nova de Famalicão) and Viana do Castelo includes the following work:

  • Installation of overhead contact line;

  • Raising height and extension of passenger platforms;

  • Construction of technical station at Midões and expansion of the Barroselas Station;

  • Change in layouts of the Barcelos, Darque and Viana do Castelo stations;

  • Lowering of the track to provide electrification up to Km 43, Carreira secondary station and to Km 82, north of the Viana do Castelo station;

  • Stabilization of slopes;

  • Earthmoving work, drainage and support and containment structures;

  • Waterproofing in the S. Miguel da Carreira, Tamel and Santa Lucrécia tunnels, in the overhead contact line area and securing supports;

  • Implementation of the traction current return system, soil and protection (RCT+TP) and installation of cabling channel.

Further work under this investment includes the implementation of an electronic signaling system and its integration into the Porto Operational Command Centre (OCC), an automatic speed control system and telecommunications systems.



The electrification of this stretch will allow electrical rolling stock to be used for both passengers and freight, resulting in a reduction of 300 million tons of CO2eq by 2046. There will be a considerable improvement in the services provided, reflected in a reduction in travel time of around 10 minutes on international connections, 12 minutes on inter-regional connections and around 5 minutes on regional connections. It will also be possible to implement passenger services without overflow between Porto and Valença, reinforcing the quality of service and comfort for passengers and reducing journey time.

Financiamento Comunitário