Infraestruturas de Portugal Group (IP), through the Managing Director of IP Engenharia (IPE), Amílcar Monteiro, participated, as a speaker in the international conference “Transport Evolution Mozambique Forum & Showcase”, which took place between the 21st and 23rd of July, 2021, the most relevant event in the transport sector that takes place in Mozambique.
The event had the high sponsorship of the Minister of Transport and Communications of Mozambique, Janfar Abdulai, and the participation of managers representing the transport authorities and the largest companies in the sector from the various countries that are part of the Southern African region.
It is an event that aims, on the one hand, to promote the potential of Mozambique with regard to the transport sector at a regional level, namely, highlighting the added value of the infrastructure and cargo transport operation that the country has, and, on the other hand, analyze and discuss all the problems surrounding the development of the sector.
The participation of IP Group/IPE was included in the session dedicated to the theme “Southern & Eastern Africa Rail spotlight - plans, challenges and future expansion needed”, in which the leaders of the railway companies from Mozambique, Namibia, Zambia, and SouthAfrica also participated.
In his communication, the Managing Director of IPE highlighted the benefits of a good institutional and operational concertation between the various strategies to develop transport infrastructure (road, railway and ports), as a crucial factor for them to perform its role in the Mozambican economy, with examples of actions that can contribute to the implementation of this goal, namely, in terms of the integration of plans at a high level, and solutions for attracting foreign investment for the construction and operation of transport infrastructures .