Code of Ethics
Grupo IP | Código de Ética engaging in a dialogue and facilitating the exercise of their legitimate regulatory, supervisory and monitoring competences. • Provide in a thorough, transparent and timely manner all the information that has been requested or required to be submitted owing to applicable legislation. 2.2.2. Community • Develop activities to safeguard the interests and well-being of the communities served by the IP Group, promoting and participating in initiatives to achieve the economic, social and cultural development of the population. 2.2.3. Clients • Ensure compliance with the commitments made by the IP Group by ensuring professional obligations which meet high standards of quality and safety. 2.2.4. Suppliers • Adopt, as a rule and strictly in compliance with legislation, competitive procedures, so as to ensure equal treatment, using clear, impartial and transparent criteria to select suppliers. • Comply and ensure that all parties comply rigorously and punctually with the obligations set out in contracts, applying penalties whenever justified. 9 2.2.5. Partners • Select partners transparently and impartially. • Set out clear rules to delimit responsibilities in documents establishing partnerships. • Share suitable information to optimize the partnership’s desired objectives. 2.2.6. Media • Abstain from giving interviews or providing information representing the IP Group unless tasked to do so. • Use social networks in an ethically responsible manner, respecting the image of employees and the companies of the IP Group, and refrain from disseminating content/comments that misinform and/or alarm the Community. • Respect the duty to inform the media through suitable channels and transmit coherent, true and transparent information. 2.3. INTERNAL With respect to internal relationships, while performing their assigned professional duties, IP Group employees are required to: • be loyal and cooperative and respect their colleagues; • carry out their tasks with a team spirit, by sharing
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